17th of August

I've had a quite busy week since my friends from Prague has been here, visiting. Today it's our last day, but so far no plans... It's nice to chill and relax for a bit since it's been a few intense days with a trip to Gothenburg, party with some friends of our and so on. :)

Yesterday I picked up the keys for some of my Erasmus students that won't make it in time to Karlstad and the key office to pick up their own keys. Tomorrow I will meet some of them, to welcome them to Karlstad and give them their keys.. And on Monday I will meet up the rest of my ''key students''! I'm so looking forward to beeing a host!!! :)

On Tuesday me and one of the girl from my host group (we are four girls in total) are gonna show our Erasmus group the University, and on Thursday we have some stuff planned for them as well :) And, on Wednesday I have a written exam.. :) So even though my friend leaves tonight for Prague, I will still have a busy time for a couple of more days before I can (finally) show you all the pictures from my last Prague trip, and also some pictures from my trip to Gothenburg with my Czech friend!

On Monday the 26th school starts again, and the ''nollning'' begins for the new students on my program! During the ''nollning'' we are also diveded into smaller groups where we are gonna take care of them, show them around, give them tips and some parties and games of course!!! I'm so looking forward to the next few weeks! I remember when I was one of the students last year during the ''nollning'' and I can't wait to give the new students this year the same warm welcome!


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